Monday, 1 February 2010

this was added as an example of food photography. it is a basically lit scene - with the ingredients of the soup to the fore. the background is dark, emphasising the foodstuffs (as yet to be prepared).
the old denotation and connotation argument re-surfaces here (if you can recall first year theory tutorials?)
this isn't an image i am happy to attempt to emulate.
we - myself, moira and helen have just tried to photograph bread, an apple and a bunch of bananas... suffice to say that imagery such as this, brigthly lit with a dark background, wasn't to our liking.
though, on a plus side, a black material added to the surface of the shoot i.e. placing materials upon a crumpled coat, semed to work extremely well.
all we need now do is correct lighting and make the fish the centre of attention.

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